Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory
Featured Vendors

Vendor Directory
Download the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo Showbook for a look at the show’s vendors.
Health, 38, 2467 US 62, Dundee, OH, 44624, 330-231-7021, rubyscountrystore@frontier.com, 330-359-0406, Ruby Mast
ABC Saw & Tool Inc.
Tool, Bronze, 403-404, 2436 Eddy St, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-970-0397, tonja_witch@gmail.com, 574-970-0398, Rob Roy
Tool, Gold, 253-254, 301-302, 310 N. Alabama St. Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN, 46204, 800-593-0126, tholcomb@accessa.com, Tara Holcomb
Advanced Biostructural Correction
Health, 24, 13188 N 600 W, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-2742, eric.balancedimage@gmail.com, 574-393-9625, Eric Schwartz
Advanced Dimensions (Dirig Design)
Tool, 540-541, 2259 St Hwy 7, Unadilla, NY, 13849, 607-437-0165, noah@advanceddimensions.com, Noah Armstrong
Aetna Building Solutions
Tool, 486, 1401 St Charles Rd, Maywood, IL, 60153, 708-655-9741, humbertoramirez@aetnaplywood.com, 708-343-1616, Humberto Ramirez
Agape Mission of LaGrange IN
Tool, 1047, 2895E 150N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-350-1846, stevesherck@gmail.com, Steve Sherck
AIMing for Higher Summits
Health, 59, 0345 N 400 E, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 2604994980, Rosella Schwartz
Alco Overhead Doors II LLC
Tool, 639-640, 9321N 850E, Syracuse, IN, 46567, 574-238-8448, lavern.alcodoors@gmail.com, Lavern Diener
Alpha Building Center
Tool, Platinum, 241-252, 303-314, 0855 N SR 5, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4410
Amaze LLC
Health, 27, 16719 DOTY RD, New Haven, IN, 46774, 260-442-7320, amazefragrance@outlook.com, Alan Zehr
Anabaptist Financial
Tool, 114-115, 55 Whisper Creek Dr, Lewisburg, PA, 17837, 800-653-9817, markpeachey@afweb.org, Mark Anthony Peachey
Anabaptist Forum Publishing
Tool, 110, 28599 St Rt A, Rutledge, MO, 63563, 660-341-2160, oberledge@gmail.com, Lynn Oberholtzer
Health, 94-95, 5150 W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 2603500569, fluffbulloasis@gmail.com, Kari Yoder
Health, 7, 6560W 100N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-768-4764, kauffmanvonda@gmail.com, Vonda Kauffman
Arthur Distributor Company
Tool, Silver, 601-602, 553-554, 283 E SR 133, Arthur, IL, 61911, 217-543-2166, philip@arthurdistributor.com, Philip Gingerich
Awareness Team
Health, 1045, 6143W 1300N, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-5405, mschrock@safecommail.com, Marlon Schrock
Bad Dog Tools
Tool, Bronze, 533-534, 24 Broad Common Rd, Bristol, RI, 2809, 800-252-1330, ann@baddogtools.com, Ann Strong
Barefoot Shoes
Health, 25-26, 3503 Pleasant Valley Rd SW, Baltic, OH, 43804, 260-214-1477, elsie.barefootshoes@gmail.com, Elsie Hochstetler
Barnyard Marketing
Tool, Silver, 130-131, 100 S. Detroit St, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-268-4210, liz@barnyardmarketing.com, Liz Stump
Bawling Acres Woodworking LLC
Tool, 953, 0155 S 1000 W, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 260-535-0960, bawlingacres@outlook.com, Harley
Beechy Buggy Shop
Tool, 612, 1475S 250W, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-3277 x4, 260-499-3096, Daniel Beechy
Better World Botanicals
Health, 62-63, 4940 W 400 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-383-2061, Waneta Hochstetler
Black Anvil Creative
Tool, 108-109, 107 Crystal Heights Blvd Suite A, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-500-1111, sales@blackanvil.co, 574-999-4853, Justin Stoltzfus
Blue Ridge Polymers
Tool, 315-316, 4625N 850W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4760 x2, 260-768-4804, Howard Yoder
Bontrager's Water One
Tool, 525, 57275 CR 29, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-825-9211, bontragerswaterone@gmail.com, Kenneth Bontrager
Boon Books
Tool, Bronze, 111-112, 1635S 1000W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 574-821-2000, read@boonbooks.net, 574-821-3000, Nathan L. Nisley
Health, 52, 31030 Covey Rd, Leonidas, MI, 49066, 574-584-5774, mayoder1985@gmail.com, Malinda Yoder
BreatheEasy Mold Solutions
Health, 20B, 1300 E Country LN, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-9874, breatheeasymoldsolutions@gmail.com, Ben Yoder
Health, 60-61, 84-85, 66695 CR 37, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-238-6437, triplepwellness91@gmail.com, Darin Fry
Centurion Exteriors
Tool, 416, 1943 Lakeview Dr, Ft. Wayne, IN, 46808, 419-630-4501, bradkosier.BK@gmail.com, Brad Kosier
Chupp's Herbs & Fabrics
Health, 10-11, 27539 Londick Rd, Burr Oak, MI, 49030, 269-489-8905, Ivanc@ibyfax.com, Robert Chupp
Chupps Herbs & Fabrics
Tool, 223-224, 27539 Londick Rd, Burr Oak, MI, 49030, 269-489-8905, robertc@ibyfax.com, Robert Chupp
Circle T Manufacturing
Tool, Gold, 927-930, 1801 A CR 1300 E, Sullivan, IL, 61951, 217-728-4834, 217-728-4298, circletmfg@ibyfax.com
Clearview Roofing
Tool, Bronze, 620, 1485S 300W, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-2588, 260-463-3788, Maynard Miller
Cole Hardwood
Tool, 339, 1611 W. Market St, Logansport, IN, 46947, 574-753-3151, joel@colehardwood.com, 574-753-2525, Joel Horling
Community Connection
Tool, 1017, PO BOX 70, Kinzers, PA, 17535, 717-545-7008, omar@connectin.net, Omar Stoltzfus
Community Health Clinic Inc
Health, 3, 730 E North St, PO BOX 329, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-593-0108, development@indianachc.org
Compass Foundations
Tool, 526, 4436 Iron Bridge Rd, Waynesboro, PA, 17268, 856-974-5335, sales@compassfoundation.io, James Martin
Costa Sanders
Tool, Bronze, 952, 107 Seminole Dr, Archdale, NC, 27263, 336-847-1181, todd.patterson@costasanders.com, Todd Patterson
Countertops Plus Inc
Tool, 417-418, 2230N 500W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7637, fermanctp@gmail.com, 260-768-7638, Ferman Miller
Country Wood Products
Tool, 230, 3175 W 050 N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-4224, 260-463-4221, Ora Bontrager
CountrySide Produce Market
Health, 18, 0915 E 200 S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-4009, cspmarket@plainconnect.com, 260-499-3139, Devon Hostetler
County Line Laminating
Tool, 479-480, 62201 E Co Line Rd, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-238-3426, cllaminating@ibyfax.com, 574-642-0601, Jr. Yoder
Creekside Nutrition
Health, 23, 3372 St Rt 258 SW, Newcomerstown, OH, 43832, 740-492-0269, creeksidenutrition22@gmail.com, 740-492-0884, Rebecca Keim
Creekside Poly Fencing
Tool, 118-119, 1275S 1100W, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-327-3536, creekside@emyprinter.net, 574-825-2377, Olen Yoder
Crossroads Health & Cosmetic Center
Health, 1038, 21764 Omega Ct, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-891-4920, office@crossroadshealthl.com, Erika Howard
Crossroads United Way
Tool, 1022, 601 CR 17, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-295-1650, purcellb@crossroadsuw.org, William Purcell
D.A. Hochstetler & Sons
Tool, Silver, 645-648, 4165 S 500 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0445 x2, dahoch@emyprinter.net, 260-593-0133, Kenneth Hochstetler
D&M Plywood
Tool, Silver, 419-420, 13487 CR 22, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-825-9024, 877-211-5880, Devon Miller
Dalam Welding
Tool, 603-605, 7655 S 200 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0168, 260-593-0258, Dave Lambright
Dave Kauffman with Empowering Small Business
Tool, 151, 5077 Fruitville Road #109.153, Sarasota, FL, 34232, 813-580-8920
David E. Easterday & Co/Woodwright
Tool, Gold, 333-334, 421-422, 1225-C US Route 62, Wilmot, OH, 44689, 330-359-0700, Alicia@woodwrightfinish.com, 330-359-0800, Alicia Easterday
Diehl Machines
Tool, 809-812, 981 South Wabash, Wabash, IN, 46992, 260-563-2102, chris.trigg@diehlmachines.com, Chris Trigg
Dimensions In Tooling
Tool, 348, 12635 Sandy Dr, Granger, IN, 46530, 574-968-0030, sales@dimensionsintooling.com, 574-968-0036, Ross Dickey
Health, 51, 1156 Wattles Rd, Sherwood, MI, 49089, 260-350-7023, lisajw1987@gmail.com, Lisa Wengerd
Dr. Ardsma's Vitamins
Health, Bronze, 70, 301 E Jefferson St, Loda, IL, 60948, 217-803-0212, jennifer@daardsmavitamins.com, Jennifer Hall
Dynabrade Power Tools and Abrasaives
Tool, Silver, 449, 8989 Sheridan Dr, Clarence, NY, 17031, 800-828-7333, josh.master@dynabrade.com, Josh Master
Elite Nutrition LLC
Health, 76, 8868 N 650 E, Odon, IN, 47562, 812-636-5055, elitenutrition@live.com, 812-687-7598, LeAnn Osborn or Rhoda Graber
Empire Express
Tool, Silver, 496-498, 511-513, 530 Mill Creek Rd, Utica, PA, 16362, 724-903-8140, ipressproofs@print.epsonconnect.com, 724-923-4488, Samuel Chupp, Edwin Lambright, Edna Lambright, Marilyn Miller, Rachel Miller
emy People LLC
Tool, 484-485, 509 Frystown Rd, Myerstown, PA, 17067, 717-277-0200, stephen@emypeople.net, Stephen Martin
EPCO Sales Inc
Tool, Silver, 489-490, 519-520, 112 Industrial Pkwy, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-825-9750, bhearld@epco.co, Brian Hearld
Fade Business Solutions
Tool, 347, 59391 Glory Lane, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-596-8604, frey4par@hotmail.com, Fritz Frey
Fantastech Energy Solutions
Tool, 606-607, 3635S 1200W, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-218-1973, derek@fantastech.org, Derek Borkholder
Farm & Garden Books
Health, 53-55, 413 W. Lake St, Topeka, IN, 46571, 800-728-8860, 2605930622@metrofax.com, Vernon Byler
Tool, Platinum, 140-143, 212-215, 3194 Hickory Blvd, Hudson, NC, 28638, 800-545-0047, esamberg@rpmicg.com
Tool, 1008, 4053 Willshire Eastern Rd, Willshire, OH, 45898, 419-513-2123, 419-969-2438, Elmer Wickey
First Choice Mattress
Health, Gold, 1-2, 6838 Cutter Rd, Apple Creek, OH, 44606, 330-201-0337, freeman@firstchoicemattress.com, Freeman Troyer
Fish Lake Organic Berries
Health, 1011, 62801 E Co. Line Rd, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-642-3014, florgberries3014@gmail.com, Fritz Miller
Tool, 1021, 10190 E 800 N, Orland, IN, 46776, 260-499-1342, tommy-gall@hotmail.com, Tom Gall
Gehman Business Advisors
Tool, 537-538, 180 Diller Ave, New Holland, PA, 17557, 717-354-8288, aarons@gateam.com, Aaron Siegrist
GIS Inc.
Tool, 552, 3111 Cannongate Dr, Fort Wayne, IN, 46808, 260-343-1211, renee@gisedminc.com, 260-484-0020, Renee Dragan
Green Fast Cure
Tool, 507, 5461E 300N, Montgomery, IN, 47558, 812-309-8757, matthias@greenfastcure.com
Gren Heat
Tool, 636, 3600N SR 5, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7519, joel@grenheat.com, 260-768-7619, Joel
Hardware Resources
Tool, 617, 4310 Marlena St, Bossier City, LA, 71111, 318-393-4788, mandy.howell@hardwareresources.com, Mandy Howell
Hardwood Designs
Tool, Silver, 488, 200 E CR 800 N, Arthur, IL, 61911, 217-294-7565, hardwooddesigns@ibyfax.com, Mel Helmuth
Hardwoods Specialty Products
Tool, Bronze, 611, 5430 Beck Dr, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-295-7600, jwheeler@hardwoods-inc.com, 574-295-1515, Joseph Wheeler
Healthy Home
Health, 1043, 400 County Rd 175, Westcliffe, CO, 81252, 719-221-4322, amyoder@rockyviewconstruction.co, Ada Mae Yoder
Helmuth Quality Power
Tool, 649-654, 11665 W 500 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3174 x701, leroyhqps@gmail.com, Leroy Helmuth, Floyd Yoder, Eugene Bontrager
Hentzen Coatings
Tool, 342, 6937 W. Mill Rd, Milwaukee, WI, 53218, 414-353-4200, 414-353-9498, Nick Schneider
Heritage Acres Paints & Supplies
Tool, Gold, 233-234, 321-322, 10120W 500S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 260-593-0145, yoderpro22@gmail.com, 260-593-0245, LaVern E. Yoder
Heritage Designs LLC
Health, 1003-1004, 2020 N 850 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-2485, homer.heritagedesigns@gmail.com, Homer Miller
Highland Automation
Tool, Silver, 801-804, 620 Fairfield Rd, Montoursville, PA, 17754, 570-676-6077, contact@highlandautomate.com, 570-266-5652, Ian Strouse
Hillside Electronics & Magaura
Tool, 1036, 129 Bethany Rd, Ephrata, PA, 17522, 717-733-0133, sales@hillsideelectronics.com, Reuben W. Shirk
His Saving Grains
Health, 1009-1010, 66247 County Road 33, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-501-4464, r.l.mwarehouse@ibyfax.com, 574-501-4465, Richard Miller
Hitz Halter
Tool, 539, 1020 Old State Rd, Mattoon, IL, 61938, 217-238-3030, alex@hitzhalter.com, Alex Walk
Hochstetler Woodworking LLC
Tool, 614-615, 6425 W 300 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-3255, alvin@hochstetlerww.com, Alvin Hochstetler
Holmes Printing Solutions
Tool, Bronze, 139, 8757 CR 77, Fredericksburg, OH, 44627, 330-575-2335, caleb@holmesprint.com, Caleb Kensinger
Home Matrix
Tool, Gold, 445-448, 461-464, 508-510, 1319W North St, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-301-7121, pyutzy@homematrixus.com, Phillip Yutzy
Hydro Heat Inc / Otto Stove & Fireplace
Tool, Bronze, 545-548, 10620 W 050 N, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 260-768-4809, 260-768-4382, Mark Otto
Ideal Coatings
Tool, 341, 11431 CR 10, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-358-0182, lowell@idealcoatings.com, Lowell Troyer
IdentiGrow by Blue Ridge Impressions Inc
Tool, Bronze, 138, 10603 Port Republic Rd, Port Republic, VA, 24471, 540-283-9193, sales@identigrow.com, 540-283-9194, Jonathan Lee
Imeyin All Natural Products LLC
Health, 6, 10525 E 350 S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-585-7432, imeyinnatural@gmail.com, Emem Smith
Indian Trail Tax Prep
Tool, 317-318, 1545W 450N, Howe, IN, 46746, 260-562-2241 x2, 260-562-2242, Dennis Hershberger
Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Tool, 204, 300 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 211, South Bend, IN, 46601, 574-261-4977, jneuklis@idem.in.gov, Joe Neuklis
Integrity Overhead Door
Tool, 122, 2195 W 050 N, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 269-977-8526, office@integrityoverhead.com, Aaron Lehman
Interstate Fleets
Tool, 216, 696 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA, 17552, 717-366-2515, sfrey@interstate-fleets.com, Steve Frey
Iron Bull MFG LLC
Tool, Bronze, 813-816, 5971N 350E, Marshall, IN, 47859, 765-597-2480, ibgroup350@gmail.com, 877-597-2475, Emanuel King
ITC Immunity Therapy Center
Health, Gold, 41, 680 Old Telegraph Canyon Rd Suite #203, Chula Vista, CA, 91910, 619-929-3430, calvarez@immunitytherapycenter.com, Carlos Alvarez
J & J Eyewear / Fish Lake Variety
Health, Bronze, 8-9, 1425 S 400 E, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-4097 x1, James & Amy Hilty
J&R Miller Enterprises
Health, 64, 110 Mishler Rd N., Hartville, OH, 44632, 260-350-3422, millertopeka1@gmail.com, Joe Miller
JAM Industrial Supply
Tool, 1016, 1220 Market Ave S, Canton, OH, 44707, 330-456-3000, chris@jamindustrialsupply.com, Dan Lapp
JC Schrock Enterprises
Health, Bronze, 86-88, 6055 S 450 E, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 260-854-2061, jeremychrisschrock6055@ibyfax.com, 260-350-9361, Christina Schrock
Tool, 608, 9105 Medill Ave, Franklin Park, IL, 60131, 847-877-2027, jerzy53@sbcglobal.net, George Dratewski
Job Tamer
Tool, Gold, 401-402, 353-354, 1085N 850W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7336, delmer@wellspringllc.us, 260-264-6741, Delmer Yoder
Jr's Metal, LLC
Tool, 237, 6728W 1150N, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-354-1913, jrmetalaccounting@safecommail.com, 574-773-3566, JR Hochstetler
Juice Plus
Health, 75, 4985 N 100 E, Howe, IN, 46746, 260-977-9238, inspirehealth@plainconnect.com, 260-562-2660, MaryLou Whetstone
Kauffman's Treasures LLC
Health, Gold, 97-100, 2428 Hague Rd, Orwell, OH, 44076, 440-437-3600, mkauffmankt@ibyfax.com, 330-647-6101, Matt Kauffman
KC Innovations LLC
Tool, Platinum, 146-150, 205-209, PO Box 806, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 888-290-8920, marketing@kc-innovation.com, 888-290-8924, Matthew Bontrager
Knape & Vogt
Tool, Silver, 521, 2700 Oak Industrial Dr NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49505, 616-258-5383, jeff.qualmann@kv.com, Jeff Qualmann
Koble Systems
Tool, Gold, 115A, 350 New Holland Ave, Lancaster, PA, 17602, 717-292-8431, haley@koblesystems.com, Haley Meredith
Kuhns Power Equipment LLC
Tool, 438-439, 470-471, 10101 Shively Rd, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-862-4592, powerdog@ibyfax.com, 574-862-1765, Lavon Kuhns
L&J Companies
Tool, Silver, 328-329, 9035 Senff Rd, Dundee, OH, 44624, 330-359-3216, ljcompanies@emyprinter.net, 330-359-5821, Gabriel Yoder
Lancaster County Showcase
Tool, Gold, 221, 836 Houston Run Dr, Gap, PA, 17527, 717-687-8150, buzz@lancastercountyshowcase.com, Buzz Tyson
Leaf Filter Gutter Protection
Tool, 225, 1595 Georgetown Rd, Hudson, OH, 44326, 216-906-2423, events@leaffilter.com, Colleen Wacker
Legacy Chiropractic Clinic
Health, 21, 2180 N 700 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4712, legacychiropracticshipshewana@gmail.com, Micah Partlow
Legacy Furniture (Heartland Mattress)
Health, 14-16, 1770N 500W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7875, merv@heartlandmattress.net, Mervin Lehman
Lehman's Variety Store
Health, 29-30, 2825W 350S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-7469, sales@lehmansvariety.com, 260-463-4184, Richard Lehman
Lemongrass Spa Products
Health, 1041, 68286 CR 29, New Paris, IN, 46553, 574-349-8878, tinasspatime@gmail.com, Tina Glick
Lifewave Patches
Health, 1039, 9775 Business Park Ave, San Diego, CA, 92131, 941-713-7300, debbieappleseed33@yahoo.com, Debbie Naqvi
Live Edge Venture
Tool, 430, 69793 US 33, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3522, 574-642-3646, Jonathan Lehman
Health, 42-43, 988N 2050 E Rd, Shelbyville, IL, 62565, 217-821-5046, mshuff64@gmail.com, Mitchell
Logivision Technologies
Tool, 1013, 2450 US-62, Winesburg, OH, 44690, 330-234-5025, jd@logivisontech.com, John Detweiler
M.W. Repair & Sales LLC
Tool, 618-619, 11325 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3556, parts@mwrepairsales.com, 574-900-1010, Galen Miller
Machine Solutions
Tool, 805-808, 1110 Vine St, Jasper, IN, 47546, 812-559-0606, rick@machinesolutionsllc.com, Rick Braun
Magma Heat
Tool, 943-944, 11120 W 300 S, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-535-5001, 260-535-5002, Herman Lehman
Martin Energy Group
Tool, 431, 70150 Hwy 50, Tipton, MO, 65081, 717-738-0300, wmartin@martinenergygroup.com, Wendell Martin
Health, 1040, 66 Hill Rd, Bernville, PA, 19506, 717-926-5851, jennywren17@gmail.com, Jennifer Lapp
Tool, 1035, 4715 136th Ave, Hamilton, MI, 49419, 262-679-0504, info@metalprocorp.com, Zach VandeVusse
Michiana Builders LLC
Tool, 625, 0950 W US 20, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8111, acct@michianabuilders.us, 260-463-8112, JoAnn Miller
Michiana Dental Implants
Health, Bronze, 69, 7130 Heritage Square Dr #420, Granger, IN, 46530, 574-398-3384, leeann@michianadentalimplants.com, LeeAnn Stebbins
Michiana Farm Supply
Tool, 1032, 0105 E 200 N, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8113, michianafs@ibyfax.com, Wayne Mast
Michiana Flip Phones
Tool, 124-125, 25740 CR 138, Goshen, IN, 46526, 574-326-7331, michianaphones@norcell.us, 574-406-7318, Leslie Martin
Tool, Bronze, 132, 444 S. Haskell St, Central Point, OR, 97502, 541-254-8233, rachel.r@microvellum.com, Rachel Raya
Midwest Hardware Solutions
Tool, 1034, 103267 County Rd N, Colby, WI, 54421, 715-937-0850, mhs@abcmailbox.net, Stephen Auker
Midwest Machinery Sales & Service
Tool, 911-920, 3404 Busch Drive, Suite C, Grandville, MI, 49418, 616-826-0641, jameson@mwmachinerysales.com, Jameson Schrier
Midwest Utility Source
Tool, 629-631, 14544 CR 12, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-822-7535 574-849-6955, myron@midwestutilitysource.com, Myron Yoder
Miller Lumber
Tool, Gold, 452-454, 455-457, 501-503, 3070W 100N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-3461, 260-499-3031, Paul Miller, Gerald Lehman, Lloyd Bontrager, Duane Miller, Ron Yoder
Miller Machine Shop LLC
Tool, 432, 10780 W 1100 N, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-696-2900, mms@emyprinter.net, 574-646-2904, Duane Miller
Miller Power LLC
Tool, Bronze, 609-610, 6735W 100S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-768-7002, millerpower2007@ibyfax.com, 260-768-8002, Floyd Miller
Miller's Sewing Machine Sales & Service
Tool, 1024-1025, 0485 W 200 S, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-3136, 260-499-3125, Sherman Miller
Millers Organo Coffee
Health, Silver, 1042, S 5841 CR D, Rock Springs, WI, 53961, 608-943-6335, millersorganocoffee@ibyfax.com, Rebecca Miller
Tool, 516-518, 14632 Old State Road, Middlefield, OH, 44062, 440-635-6505, millertechenergy@gmail.com, Lester Miller
Natural Hope Herbals
Health, 66, 670 Phillips Rd, Millersburg, PA, 17061, 717-692-5100, scott@naturalhopeherbals.com, Scott Schoellkopf
Nature's Warehouse
Health, 83, 6403B State Route 83, Holmesville, OH, 44633, 234-354-0305, marybeth@natureswarehouse.net, 315-999-3113, Mary Beth Miller
New Light Health
Health, Silver, 80, PO Box 80, Elliottsburg, PA, 17047, 717-692-3500, secretary@newlighthealth.lit, Ruth Allgger
Newbury Carriage
Tool, Bronze, 831-834, 7040 W 200 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-768-8055, 260-768-8082, Nate Miller
Nighthawk 3D
Tool, Bronze, 116-117, 1735 N 500 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-383-2008, derek@nighthawk3d.com, 260-383-2009, Derek Miller
Northern Indiana Hearing Center
Health, Bronze, 33, 2406 Mishawaka Ave, South Bend, IN, 46615, 574-383-5595, NIHCmish@yahoo.com, Terry Hoffman
Northern Nutrition
Health, Silver, 34-35, 2195 N 750 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4868, jerrychristner1979@gmail.com, 260-768-4817, Jerry Christner
Health, Gold, 39-40, 26841 SR 621, Fresno, OH, 43824, 740-552-1287, arlen@arksecure.us, Fannie Erb
Oak Grove Tax Service
Tool, 522, 4430 W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-585-0081, john@oakgrovetax.com, John Miller
Old Colony Mennonite Support
Health, 1044, PO Box 525, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-221-2154, leanna@oldcolonymennonite.org, 574-556-1182, LeAnna Miller
Open Hands
Tool, 102, PO Box 180, West Milton, PA, 17886, 570-800-2123, secretary@openhands.org, Gloria Stoltzfus
Pampered Chef
Health, 77, 72019 CR 43, Syracuse, IN, 46567, 260-350-3423, alicehochstetler55@gmail.com, Alice Burkholder
Partner.co - body balancing drops/weight loss
Health, 20A, 748 Mountainview Drive, Westerville, OH, 43081, 614-216-0247, sschiering@gmail.com
Photon Electric LLC
Tool, 628, 627A-627B, 11585 W 700 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3731, dhoch@photonelec.com, 574-203-9180, Drew Hochstetler
Pine Creek Live Edge
Tool, 123, 1459 3rd Rd, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-546-0652, cornerstonem@ibyfax.com, Eddie Ray Borkholder
Pinecrest Protections Inc.
Tool, 1001, 7240 S 080 E, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 574-596-1656, jschino50@comcast.net, Justin Wolbers
Plain & Simple
Health, 1014, 3320 N 850 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-499-0772, plainsimple2017@gmail.com, Marlene Lehman
Plain Communities Business Exchange
Tool, Gold, 343-344, PO Box 520, Millersburg, PA, 17061, 717-362-1118, daniel@pcbe.us, 717-427-1600, Daniel King
Plain Direct LLC
Tool, 514, PO Box 446, Blue Ball, PA, 17506, 907-299-7252, 717-256-7545, Matthew Snader
Plain Press
Tool, Bronze, 103, 100 Deiblers Gap Rd, Millersburg, PA, 17061, 717-439-7206, john@plainpress.net, John Lapp
Precision Installation LLC
Tool, 330-332, 3460 W 700 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-214-0078, 260-341-7350, David Miller
ProTech Water LLC
Tool, Gold, 133-134, 110 S Babcock St, Topeka, IN, 46571, 574-370-8708, protechwater@outlook.com, 260-217-6261, Lavern Hostetler
Quality Custom Metalworks
Tool, 491-493, 3589 SR 643, Baltic, OH, 43804, 330-473-1478, ofwelding@ibyfax.com, 844-701-9146, Vernon Hershberger
Quality Plastics LLC
Tool, Bronze, 104, 9602 S Applecreek Rd, Fredericksburg, OH, 44627, 330-695-5906, yoderproduceinc@gmail.com, Emanuel Yoder
Raber Patio Enclosures
Tool, 623-624, PO Box 365, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7100, dean@raberpatios.com, Dean Raber
Rainbow of Ship
Health, 1012, 645 Windy Cove Ct, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 574-222-7338, jamesrb40@aim.com, James Bell
Ray-Mer Tool Depo LLC
Tool, 1026, 8969 20B Rd, Argos, IN, 46501, 574-332-3340, raymertool@novcell.us, Jason Fox
Real Time Pain Relief
Health, 56, 332 Homewood Dr, Bolingbrook, IL, 60440, 630-677-7545, indra0359@gmail.com, Indra Singh
Red Barn Bath & Body
Health, 13, 6215 CR 35, Auburn, IN, 46706, 480-322-5448, redbarnbathandbody@gmail.com, Lisa Vinson
Reign Napkins & Precious Tots
Health, 4-5, 311 E Main Street, Odon, IN, 46751, 260-585-7599, lyndaruth93@outlook.com, Lynda Miller
Renewal By Andersen
Tool, 524, 3633 Miller Dr, Plymouth, IN, 46536, 317-552-0125, sbevents@windowsbyrba.com, Jesse Greene
Repcolite Paints
Tool, 613, 412 W Lincoln Ave, Goshen, IN, 46526, 574-533-5995, john.waning@repcolite.com
Richelieu Hardware
Tool, Silver, 543-544, 5373 W 79th St, Indianapolis, IN, 46268, 317-319-8314, ccourter@richelieu.com, 317-879-2050, Craig Courter
Rosewood Coffee Roasters
Health, Silver, 49, 3680 Oak Hill Rd, Stockport, OH, 43787, 740-629-2592, rosewood@ibyfax.com, 740-510-1210, Caleb Miller
RT Machine Company
Tool, 954-955, 201 Boak Ave, Hughesville, PA, 17737, 570-584-2002, jill@rtmachine.com, 570-584-2025, Jill Cotner
Salice America Inc.
Tool, 440, 2123 Crown Centre Dr, Charlotte, NC, 28227, 704-841-7810, sara@saliceamerica.com, Sara Terraneo
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Tool, 113A-113B, PO BOX 360, Berlin, OH, 44610, 330-231-5033, delbert.kline@camoh.org
Sandman Products
Tool, Bronze, 958-959, PO Box 205, Osceola, IN, 46561, 574-264-7700, office@sandmanproducts.com, 574-264-7705, Nate Troyer
Sawmill Automations
Tool, 1028, 4580 S 400 E, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 260-336-9127, aaronaepower@gmail.com, Aaron Bontrager
Scarlett Machinery & Tooling
Tool, 956-957, 4355 Airwest Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49512, 616-871-9889, paul@scarlettinc.com, 616-871-9879, Paul Pelon
Shady Creek Hardware
Tool, 450-451, 458-460, 504-506, 401 N Main St, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 260-350-3460, 260-585-2161, Joseph Fry, Norma Fry
Sherwin Williams
Tool, Gold, 235-236, 319-320, 4751 Green Ct, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-296-5252, chad.m.everett@sherwin.com, Chad Everett
Shur Ply
Tool, Silver, 128-129, 200 Industrial Pkwy, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-4847, sheldon@shurply.com, Sheldon Schrock
Sierra Forest Products
Tool, Gold, 441-444, 465-468, 1801 West Hawthorne Ln Suite 400, West Chicago, IL, 60185, 630-231-0450, mmolga@ucsforestgroup.com, Marta Molga, Julia Sims
Tool, Silver, 228-229, 326-327, 11903 CR 30, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-825-8757, lynn@silvercraftllc.com, 574-825-0009, Lynn Miller
Simple Foods Cooking LLC
Health, 19-20, 9223 County Road 245, Fredericksburg, OH, 44627, 330-473-5881, simplefoodscookingllc@gmail.com, Norman Hershberger
Simple Roof Solutions
Tool, Gold, 409-410, 0920 S 375 W, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8009, roofsolution@ibyfax.com, 260-463-8010, John V Yoder
Simply Delightful Freeze Dried Foods LLC
Health, 45, 5958 4th Rd, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-546-3771, Rose Miller
Simply Paper & Supplies
Health, 46-47, 1920W 100S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-0141, bjssimplypaper@plainconnect.com, 260-214-5530, Samuel Beechy
Health, Silver, 81-82, 6605 W US 20, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-214-1071, pineacres84@gmail.com, Christy Lambright
Solect Energy LLC
Tool, 478, 340 E 200 S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-3051, sales@solectenergy.net, 260-499-3082, Larry Miller
Sonshine Baskets
Tool, Bronze, 425-427, 11020 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-0599, sonshinebaskets@ibyfax.com, 574-642-0557, Vernon Lehman
Spruce Lawn Industries
Tool, Bronze, 428-429, 5770 S 675 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 574-642-2682, sprucelawn@emyprinter.net, 574-642-2683, Richard Yoder
Star Home Center
Tool, Bronze, 405-408, 12737 CR 30, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 260-336-9228, ajhughes@starhome.us, 574-642-0115, A.J. Hughes
Starlight Unlimited LLC
Tool, Bronze, 535-536, 95 Willett St. Suite 1, Fort Plain, NY, 13339, 518-332-8151, support@starlightunlimited.net, 518-993-5264, Henry Zook
Stiles Machinery
Tool, Gold, 921-926, 3965 44th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49512, 616-698-7500, mjungblut@stilesmachinery.com, Michael Jungblut, Eric Juergenson, Scott Mueller, John
Stoll Steel Buildings LLC
Tool, Silver, 635, 615 W Elnora St, Odon, IN, 47562, 812-295-8464, amos@stollsteel.com, Amos Stoll Jr
Straightline Enterprises
Tool, Bronze, 481, 11985 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-596-1126, carl.straightline@gmail.com, 574-642-0287, Carl Schwartz
Sunlite Enterprise LLC
Tool, 423-424, PO Box 441, Gratz, PA, 17030, 717-862-5959, sunlite@emypeople.net, Reuben Kauffman
Sunrise Enterprise
Tool, Bronze, 527, 4165 Moore Rd, Cass City, MI, 48726, 989-550-1999, Raymond Byler
Sunrise Metal Shop
Tool, 549-551, 3070W 350S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-463-4026, sunrisemetal@mailbug.com, 260-463-4027, Lee Miller
Sunrise Plastics
Tool, 1005-1007, 2875 S 375 W, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-768-8162, 260-768-3809, Delmar Hostetler
Superior Deck Solutions
Tool, 523, 4105W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-562-2800, k2.lavern@outlook.com, LaVern Kauffman
Superior Edge
Tool, Silver, 227, 25198 CR 54, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-0331, superioredge@ibyfax.com, 574-773-0481, Merle Helmuth
Sycamore Systems Inc
Tool, 107A, 5820 N 1120 W, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-400-5844, disc@leonyoder.com, Leon Yoder
Symbiz Network
Tool, Bronze, 325, 2855 St Rt 503, Arcanum, OH, 45304, 800-394-7970, rachel@symbiz.org, Rachel Mast x2
Tension Tamer
Health, Platinum, 73-74, 4325 S 00EW, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-0113, info@tensiontamer.us, Louise Lambright
The Budget
Tool, 105-106, PO Box 249, Sugarcreek, OH, 44681, 330-852-4634, mmiller@thebudgetnewspaper.com, 330-852-4421, Milo G. Miller
The Piston Doctor
Tool, 1027, 6316 W 825 N, Ligonier, IN, 46767, 260-241-6113, drpiston@plainconnect.com, Alvin Troyer
The Proofing Basket
Health, 6, 1990 W SR 120, Howe, IN, 46746, 260-336-0934, dclman@live.com, Crystal Lehman
The Window Doctor
Tool, 238, 655 W State Rd 120 Suite B-15, Fremont, IN, 46737, 260-833-6111, clayf@thewindowsdoctor.com, Clay Frank or Chris Nagy
Trade Express
Tool, Silver, 433-434, 475-476, 3240 E CR 1550 N, Humboldt, IL, 61931, 217-856-2326, workcenter246@gmail.com, Ernest Kauffman
Tri-State Compressed Air Systems
Tool, 351-352, 1608 Eisenhower Dr South, Goshen, IN, 46526, 574-575-0342, tristate@tristateair.com, Monte Monserez
Triad Technologies
Tool, 1015, 1402 E Monroe St, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-862-7205, stefany.forkapa@triadtechnologies.com, Josh Finch
Tru-Kote Roofing Systems
Tool, Bronze, 621-622, 58867 CR 105, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 574-536-4326, office@trukote.com, Doug Martin
Tool, 477, 640 Chestnut Ridge Rd, Spring Valley, NY, 10977, 630-392-4015, ljames@uneeda.com, Lee James
Valley View Health Clinic
Health, 22, 32327 State Route 643, Fresno, OH, 43824, 330-897-3232, katie.valleyview@gmail.como, 330-390-8439, Katie Mast
Versiti Blood Center of Indiana
Health, Bronze, 65, 3450 N Meridian, Indianapolis, IN, 46208, 269-870-6257, jlanning@versiti.org, JP Lanning
Vista Life
Health, Platinum, 71-72, 8374 E Main St, Clymer, NY, 14724, 716-488-6706, esmr@emypeople.net, Melvin Miller
Vollara's Machines & Products
Health, 50, 7845 W 300 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0413, 260-593-0218, Elsie Hochstetler
W & L Nutrition
Health, 67-68, 7717 W 1200 N-57, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0493, wlnutrition@ibyfax.com, 260-350-9008, Willard Yoder
Wana Acres Fencing
Tool, 637-638, 5130W 200N, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-2842, wanaacresfencing@gmail.com, Dave Mullet
Water Works Services
Tool, 542, 7155 W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-585-7454, james@waterworksservicesllc.com, James
Wayne-Vaughn Equip. Co. Inc
Tool, 1018-1020, 716 E Wayne St, Fort Wayne, IN, 46802, 260-424-4044, shane@wayne-vaughn.com, Shane Replogle
Weaver Metalworking Machinery LLC
Tool, 917-920, 800 W Lexington Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, 717-625-0302, weavermachinery@gmail.com, 717-625-0133, David Weaver
Weaver Tool Gear"
Tool, 126-127, 5015 Mertz Rd, Mayville, MI, 48744, 989-928-1169, clair@bosshammerco.com, Clair Coulter
Wellspring Solar
tool, 337-338, 1085N 850W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7336, arlin@wellspringllc.us, 260-768-7215, Arlin Yoder
Whitetail Life
Tool, 1033, PO BOX 52, Charm, OH, 44659, 330-893-1214, sales@whitetaillife.com, Steven Troyer
Wingards Custom Plastics LLC
Tool, 1002, 5705 W 600 N, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-5615, wingardscustomplastics@gmail.com, Milan Wingard
Winner Woodworking
Tool, Gold, 931-942, 702 North Shortridge Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46219, 800-240-6530
Wolverine Hardwoods
Tool, Gold, 135-137, 2810 113th Ave, Allegan, MI, 49010, 269-686-7004, paul@wolverinehardwoods.com, 269-686-7944, Paul Mallery, Phil Mallery, Chris Lavigne
WSI Machinery Inc
Tool, 101, 1530 N Old Rand Road, Wauconda, IL, 60084, 847-526-1411, rhowell@wsimachinery.com, Rob Howell
Würth Baer Supply Company
Tool, Gold, 345-346, 909 Forest Edge Dr, Vernon Hills, IL, 60031, 800-944-2237, candace.arends@wurthbsc.com, Candace Arends
Yoder's Nutrition/The Hitching Post
Health, 90-93, 20927 Ice Ave, Bloomfield, IA, 52537, 641-722-3357, familyfarms2405@gmail.com, Raymond Yoder
Zimmerman Design
Tool, Bronze, 1048, 5831 KY 910, Windsor, KY, 42565, 606-448-9948, ben@zimmerman.win, Ben Zimmerman