Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory

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Vendor Directory

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A&M Kiln Dry
Tool, Gold, 335-336, 210 Wastewater Drive, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-780-2837

ABC Saw & Tool Inc.
Tool, Bronze, 403-404, 2436 Eddy St, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-970-0397, tonja_witch@gmail.com, 574-970-0398, Rob Roy

Tool, Gold, 253-254, 301-302, 310 N. Alabama St. Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN, 46204, 800-593-0126, tholcomb@accessa.com, Tara Holcomb

Accunique Door
Tool, 616, 1685 N 1100 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 574-825-0758

Advanced Biostructural Correction
Health, 24, 13188 N 600 W, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-2742, eric.balancedimage@gmail.com, 574-393-9625, Eric Schwartz

Advanced Dimensions (Dirig Design)
Tool, 540-541, 2259 St Hwy 7, Unadilla, NY, 13849, 607-437-0165, noah@advanceddimensions.com, Noah Armstrong

Aetna Building Solutions
Tool, 486, 1401 St Charles Rd, Maywood, IL, 60153, 708-655-9741, humbertoramirez@aetnaplywood.com, 708-343-1616, Humberto Ramirez

Agape Mission of LaGrange IN
Tool, 1047, 2895E 150N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-350-1846, stevesherck@gmail.com, Steve Sherck

AIMing for Higher Summits
Health, 59, 0345 N 400 E, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 2604994980, Rosella Schwartz

Alco Overhead Doors II LLC
Tool, 639-640, 9321N 850E, Syracuse, IN, 46567, 574-238-8448, lavern.alcodoors@gmail.com, Lavern Diener

Alpha Building Center
Tool, Platinum, 241-252, 303-314, 0855 N SR 5, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4410

Amaze LLC
Health, 27, 16719 DOTY RD, New Haven, IN, 46774, 260-442-7320, amazefragrance@outlook.com, Alan Zehr

Anabaptist Brotherhood
Tool, Bronze, 107, 27770 County Road 48, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-536-4214

Anabaptist Financial
Tool, 114-115, 55 Whisper Creek Dr, Lewisburg, PA, 17837, 800-653-9817, markpeachey@afweb.org, Mark Anthony Peachey

Anabaptist Forum Publishing
Tool, 110, 28599 St Rt A, Rutledge, MO, 63563, 660-341-2160, oberledge@gmail.com, Lynn Oberholtzer

Health, 94-95, 5150 W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 2603500569, fluffbulloasis@gmail.com, Kari Yoder

Health, 7, 6560W 100N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-768-4764, kauffmanvonda@gmail.com, Vonda Kauffman

Arrow Industrial Sales
Tool, Gold, 632-634, 635A, 230 N Wabash St

Arthur Distributor Company
Tool, Silver, 601-602, 553-554, 283 E SR 133, Arthur, IL, 61911, 217-543-2166, philip@arthurdistributor.com, Philip Gingerich

Artistic Stone Masonry
Tool, 226, 5958 4th Rd, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-248-0539, Marlin Miller

Health, Gold, 96, 26659 CR 54, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-9404

AW Machinery
Tool, Gold, 817-824, 948-951, 6161 Mt Hope Rd, Apple Creek, OH, 44606, 330-778-0020

Awareness Team
Health, 1045, 6143W 1300N, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-5405, mschrock@safecommail.com, Marlon Schrock