Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory

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Vendor Directory

Download the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo Showbook for a look at the show’s vendors.

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D.A. Hochstetler & Sons
Tool, Silver, 645-648, 4165 S 500 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0445 x2, dahoch@emyprinter.net, 260-593-0133, Kenneth Hochstetler

D&M Plywood
Tool, Silver, 419-420, 13487 CR 22, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-825-9024, 877-211-5880, Devon Miller

Dalam Welding
Tool, 603-605, 7655 S 200 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0168, 260-593-0258, Dave Lambright

Dave Kauffman with Empowering Small Business
Tool, 151, 5077 Fruitville Road #109.153, Sarasota, FL, 34232, 813-580-8920

David E. Easterday & Co/Woodwright
Tool, Gold, 333-334, 421-422, 1225-C US Route 62, Wilmot, OH, 44689, 330-359-0700, Alicia@woodwrightfinish.com, 330-359-0800, Alicia Easterday

Die Botschaft
Tool, 1031, 3225 Cabin Dr, Millersburg, PA, 17061, 717-362-2033

Diehl Machines
Tool, 809-812, 981 South Wabash, Wabash, IN, 46992, 260-563-2102, chris.trigg@diehlmachines.com, Chris Trigg

Dimensions In Tooling
Tool, 348, 12635 Sandy Dr, Granger, IN, 46530, 574-968-0030, sales@dimensionsintooling.com, 574-968-0036, Ross Dickey

Health, 51, 1156 Wattles Rd, Sherwood, MI, 49089, 260-350-7023, lisajw1987@gmail.com, Lisa Wengerd

Dr. Ardsma's Vitamins
Health, Bronze, 70, 301 E Jefferson St, Loda, IL, 60948, 217-803-0212, jennifer@daardsmavitamins.com, Jennifer Hall

Dynabrade Power Tools and Abrasaives
Tool, Silver, 449, 8989 Sheridan Dr, Clarence, NY, 17031, 800-828-7333, josh.master@dynabrade.com, Josh Master