Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory

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Vendor Directory

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Hafele America Co.
Tool, Gold, 411-412, 3901 Cheyenne Dr

Hardware Resources
Tool, 617, 4310 Marlena St, Bossier City, LA, 71111, 318-393-4788, mandy.howell@hardwareresources.com, Mandy Howell

Hardwood Designs
Tool, Silver, 488, 200 E CR 800 N, Arthur, IL, 61911, 217-294-7565, hardwooddesigns@ibyfax.com, Mel Helmuth

Hardwoods Specialty Products
Tool, Bronze, 611, 5430 Beck Dr, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-295-7600, jwheeler@hardwoods-inc.com, 574-295-1515, Joseph Wheeler

Healthy Home
Health, 1043, 400 County Rd 175, Westcliffe, CO, 81252, 719-221-4322, amyoder@rockyviewconstruction.co, Ada Mae Yoder

Helmuth Quality Power
Tool, 649-654, 11665 W 500 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3174 x701, leroyhqps@gmail.com, Leroy Helmuth, Floyd Yoder, Eugene Bontrager

Hentzen Coatings
Tool, 342, 6937 W. Mill Rd, Milwaukee, WI, 53218, 414-353-4200, 414-353-9498, Nick Schneider

Heritage Acres Paints & Supplies
Tool, Gold, 233-234, 321-322, 10120W 500S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 260-593-0145, yoderpro22@gmail.com, 260-593-0245, LaVern E. Yoder

Heritage Bookstore
Health, 31-32, 1430S 100W, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-350-5971, Levi Miller

Heritage Designs LLC
Health, 1003-1004, 2020 N 850 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-2485, homer.heritagedesigns@gmail.com, Homer Miller

Highland Automation
Tool, Silver, 801-804, 620 Fairfield Rd, Montoursville, PA, 17754, 570-676-6077, contact@highlandautomate.com, 570-266-5652, Ian Strouse

Hillside Electronics & Magaura
Tool, 1036, 129 Bethany Rd, Ephrata, PA, 17522, 717-733-0133, sales@hillsideelectronics.com, Reuben W. Shirk

His Glory Ministries
Tool, 113, 1500 Highbrook Drive, Columbus, OH, 43204

His Saving Grains
Health, 1009-1010, 66247 County Road 33, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-501-4464, r.l.mwarehouse@ibyfax.com, 574-501-4465, Richard Miller

Hitz Halter
Tool, 539, 1020 Old State Rd, Mattoon, IL, 61938, 217-238-3030, alex@hitzhalter.com, Alex Walk

Hochstetler Woodworking LLC
Tool, 614-615, 6425 W 300 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-3255, alvin@hochstetlerww.com, Alvin Hochstetler

Holmes Printing Solutions
Tool, Bronze, 139, 8757 CR 77, Fredericksburg, OH, 44627, 330-575-2335, caleb@holmesprint.com, Caleb Kensinger

Home Matrix
Tool, Gold, 445-448, 461-464, 508-510, 1319W North St, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-301-7121, pyutzy@homematrixus.com, Phillip Yutzy

Hoosier Pedastal DBA Midwest Turnings
Tool, 494-495, 7900 W 650 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0631

Hydro Heat Inc / Otto Stove & Fireplace
Tool, Bronze, 545-548, 10620 W 050 N, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 260-768-4809, 260-768-4382, Mark Otto