Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory
Featured Vendors

Vendor Directory
Download the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo Showbook for a look at the show’s vendors.
Ideal Coatings
Tool, 341, 11431 CR 10, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-358-0182, lowell@idealcoatings.com, Lowell Troyer
IdentiGrow by Blue Ridge Impressions Inc
Tool, Bronze, 138, 10603 Port Republic Rd, Port Republic, VA, 24471, 540-283-9193, sales@identigrow.com, 540-283-9194, Jonathan Lee
Imeyin All Natural Products LLC
Health, 6, 10525 E 350 S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-585-7432, imeyinnatural@gmail.com, Emem Smith
Indian Trail Tax Prep
Tool, 317-318, 1545W 450N, Howe, IN, 46746, 260-562-2241 x2, 260-562-2242, Dennis Hershberger
Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Tool, 204, 300 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 211, South Bend, IN, 46601, 574-261-4977, jneuklis@idem.in.gov, Joe Neuklis
Integrity Overhead Door
Tool, 122, 2195 W 050 N, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 269-977-8526, office@integrityoverhead.com, Aaron Lehman
Interstate Fleets
Tool, 216, 696 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA, 17552, 717-366-2515, sfrey@interstate-fleets.com, Steve Frey
Iron Bull MFG LLC
Tool, Bronze, 813-816, 5971N 350E, Marshall, IN, 47859, 765-597-2480, ibgroup350@gmail.com, 877-597-2475, Emanuel King