Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory

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Vendor Directory

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M.W. Repair & Sales LLC
Tool, 618-619, 11325 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-3556, parts@mwrepairsales.com, 574-900-1010, Galen Miller

Machine Solutions
Tool, 805-808, 1110 Vine St, Jasper, IN, 47546, 812-559-0606, rick@machinesolutionsllc.com, Rick Braun

Magma Heat
Tool, 943-944, 11120 W 300 S, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-535-5001, 260-535-5002, Herman Lehman

Martin Energy Group
Tool, 431, 70150 Hwy 50, Tipton, MO, 65081, 717-738-0300, wmartin@martinenergygroup.com, Wendell Martin

MC Supply & Service
Tool, 1030, 3907 Murvhill Rd, Valparaiso, IN, 46383, 219-548-5711

Health, 1040, 66 Hill Rd, Bernville, PA, 19506, 717-926-5851, jennywren17@gmail.com, Jennifer Lapp

Tool, 1035, 4715 136th Ave, Hamilton, MI, 49419, 262-679-0504, info@metalprocorp.com, Zach VandeVusse

Michiana Builders LLC
Tool, 625, 0950 W US 20, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8111, acct@michianabuilders.us, 260-463-8112, JoAnn Miller

Michiana Dental Implants
Health, Bronze, 69, 7130 Heritage Square Dr #420, Granger, IN, 46530, 574-398-3384, leeann@michianadentalimplants.com, LeeAnn Stebbins

Michiana Farm Supply
Tool, 1032, 0105 E 200 N, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8113, michianafs@ibyfax.com, Wayne Mast

Michiana Flip Phones
Tool, 124-125, 25740 CR 138, Goshen, IN, 46526, 574-326-7331, michianaphones@norcell.us, 574-406-7318, Leslie Martin

Tool, Bronze, 132, 444 S. Haskell St, Central Point, OR, 97502, 541-254-8233, rachel.r@microvellum.com, Rachel Raya

Midwest Hardware Solutions
Tool, 1034, 103267 County Rd N, Colby, WI, 54421, 715-937-0850, mhs@abcmailbox.net, Stephen Auker

Midwest Machinery Sales & Service
Tool, 911-920, 3404 Busch Drive, Suite C, Grandville, MI, 49418, 616-826-0641, jameson@mwmachinerysales.com, Jameson Schrier

Midwest Utility Source
Tool, 629-631, 14544 CR 12, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-822-7535 574-849-6955, myron@midwestutilitysource.com, Myron Yoder

Miller Lumber
Tool, Gold, 452-454, 455-457, 501-503, 3070W 100N, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-3461, 260-499-3031, Paul Miller, Gerald Lehman, Lloyd Bontrager, Duane Miller, Ron Yoder

Miller Machine Shop LLC
Tool, 432, 10780 W 1100 N, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-696-2900, mms@emyprinter.net, 574-646-2904, Duane Miller

Miller Power LLC
Tool, Bronze, 609-610, 6735W 100S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-768-7002, millerpower2007@ibyfax.com, 260-768-8002, Floyd Miller

Miller's Sewing Machine Sales & Service
Tool, 1024-1025, 0485 W 200 S, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-3136, 260-499-3125, Sherman Miller

Millers Organo Coffee
Health, Silver, 1042, S 5841 CR D, Rock Springs, WI, 53961, 608-943-6335, millersorganocoffee@ibyfax.com, Rebecca Miller

Tool, 516-518, 14632 Old State Road, Middlefield, OH, 44062, 440-635-6505, millertechenergy@gmail.com, Lester Miller