Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory
Featured Vendors

Vendor Directory
Download the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo Showbook for a look at the show’s vendors.
Natural Hope Herbals
Health, 66, 670 Phillips Rd, Millersburg, PA, 17061, 717-692-5100, scott@naturalhopeherbals.com, Scott Schoellkopf
Nature's Warehouse
Health, 83, 6403B State Route 83, Holmesville, OH, 44633, 234-354-0305, marybeth@natureswarehouse.net, 315-999-3113, Mary Beth Miller
New Light Health
Health, Silver, 80, PO Box 80, Elliottsburg, PA, 17047, 717-692-3500, secretary@newlighthealth.lit, Ruth Allgger
Newbury Carriage
Tool, Bronze, 831-834, 7040 W 200 S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-768-8055, 260-768-8082, Nate Miller
Nighthawk 3D
Tool, Bronze, 116-117, 1735 N 500 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-383-2008, derek@nighthawk3d.com, 260-383-2009, Derek Miller
Northern Indiana Hearing Center
Health, Bronze, 33, 2406 Mishawaka Ave, South Bend, IN, 46615, 574-383-5595, NIHCmish@yahoo.com, Terry Hoffman
Northern Nutrition
Health, Silver, 34-35, 2195 N 750 W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-4868, jerrychristner1979@gmail.com, 260-768-4817, Jerry Christner