Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory
Featured Vendors

Vendor Directory
Download the 2025 Midwest Tool Expo Showbook for a look at the show’s vendors.
Salice America Inc.
Tool, 440, 2123 Crown Centre Dr, Charlotte, NC, 28227, 704-841-7810, sara@saliceamerica.com, Sara Terraneo
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Tool, 113A-113B, PO BOX 360, Berlin, OH, 44610, 330-231-5033, delbert.kline@camoh.org
Sandman Products
Tool, Bronze, 958-959, PO Box 205, Osceola, IN, 46561, 574-264-7700, office@sandmanproducts.com, 574-264-7705, Nate Troyer
Sawmill Automations
Tool, 1028, 4580 S 400 E, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 260-336-9127, aaronaepower@gmail.com, Aaron Bontrager
Scarlett Machinery & Tooling
Tool, 956-957, 4355 Airwest Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49512, 616-871-9889, paul@scarlettinc.com, 616-871-9879, Paul Pelon
Shady Creek Hardware
Tool, 450-451, 458-460, 504-506, 401 N Main St, Wolcottville, IN, 46795, 260-350-3460, 260-585-2161, Joseph Fry, Norma Fry
Sherwin Williams
Tool, Gold, 235-236, 319-320, 4751 Green Ct, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 574-296-5252, chad.m.everett@sherwin.com, Chad Everett
Shur Ply
Tool, Silver, 128-129, 200 Industrial Pkwy, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-4847, sheldon@shurply.com, Sheldon Schrock
Sierra Forest Products
Tool, Gold, 441-444, 465-468, 1801 West Hawthorne Ln Suite 400, West Chicago, IL, 60185, 630-231-0450, mmolga@ucsforestgroup.com, Marta Molga, Julia Sims
Tool, Silver, 228-229, 326-327, 11903 CR 30, Goshen, IN, 46528, 574-825-8757, lynn@silvercraftllc.com, 574-825-0009, Lynn Miller
Simple Foods Cooking LLC
Health, 19-20, 9223 County Road 245, Fredericksburg, OH, 44627, 330-473-5881, simplefoodscookingllc@gmail.com, Norman Hershberger
Simple Roof Solutions
Tool, Gold, 409-410, 0920 S 375 W, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-8009, roofsolution@ibyfax.com, 260-463-8010, John V Yoder
Simply Delightful Freeze Dried Foods LLC
Health, 45, 5958 4th Rd, Bremen, IN, 46506, 574-546-3771, Rose Miller
Simply Paper & Supplies
Health, 46-47, 1920W 100S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-463-0141, bjssimplypaper@plainconnect.com, 260-214-5530, Samuel Beechy
Health, Silver, 81-82, 6605 W US 20, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-214-1071, pineacres84@gmail.com, Christy Lambright
Solect Energy LLC
Tool, 478, 340 E 200 S, LaGrange, IN, 46761, 260-499-3051, sales@solectenergy.net, 260-499-3082, Larry Miller
Sonshine Baskets
Tool, Bronze, 425-427, 11020 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-642-0599, sonshinebaskets@ibyfax.com, 574-642-0557, Vernon Lehman
Spruce Lawn Industries
Tool, Bronze, 428-429, 5770 S 675 W, Topeka, IN, 46571, 574-642-2682, sprucelawn@emyprinter.net, 574-642-2683, Richard Yoder
Star Home Center
Tool, Bronze, 405-408, 12737 CR 30, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 260-336-9228, ajhughes@starhome.us, 574-642-0115, A.J. Hughes
Starlight Unlimited LLC
Tool, Bronze, 535-536, 95 Willett St. Suite 1, Fort Plain, NY, 13339, 518-332-8151, support@starlightunlimited.net, 518-993-5264, Henry Zook
Stiles Machinery
Tool, Gold, 921-926, 3965 44th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49512, 616-698-7500, mjungblut@stilesmachinery.com, Michael Jungblut, Eric Juergenson, Scott Mueller, John
Stoll Steel Buildings LLC
Tool, Silver, 635, 615 W Elnora St, Odon, IN, 47562, 812-295-8464, amos@stollsteel.com, Amos Stoll Jr
Straightline Enterprises
Tool, Bronze, 481, 11985 W 400 S, Millersburg, IN, 46543, 574-596-1126, carl.straightline@gmail.com, 574-642-0287, Carl Schwartz
Sunlite Enterprise LLC
Tool, 423-424, PO Box 441, Gratz, PA, 17030, 717-862-5959, sunlite@emypeople.net, Reuben Kauffman
Sunrise Enterprise
Tool, Bronze, 527, 4165 Moore Rd, Cass City, MI, 48726, 989-550-1999, Raymond Byler
Sunrise Metal Shop
Tool, 549-551, 3070W 350S, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-463-4026, sunrisemetal@mailbug.com, 260-463-4027, Lee Miller
Sunrise Plastics
Tool, 1005-1007, 2875 S 375 W, Lagrange, IN, 46761, 260-768-8162, 260-768-3809, Delmar Hostetler
Superior Deck Solutions
Tool, 523, 4105W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-562-2800, k2.lavern@outlook.com, LaVern Kauffman
Superior Edge
Tool, Silver, 227, 25198 CR 54, Nappanee, IN, 46550, 574-773-0331, superioredge@ibyfax.com, 574-773-0481, Merle Helmuth
Sycamore Systems Inc
Tool, 107A, 5820 N 1120 W, Middlebury, IN, 46540, 574-400-5844, disc@leonyoder.com, Leon Yoder