Midwest Tool Expo
Vendor Directory

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Vendor Directory

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W & L Nutrition
Health, 67-68, 7717 W 1200 N-57, Topeka, IN, 46571, 260-593-0493, wlnutrition@ibyfax.com, 260-350-9008, Willard Yoder

Wana Acres Fencing
Tool, 637-638, 5130W 200N, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-2842, wanaacresfencing@gmail.com, Dave Mullet

Water Works Services
Tool, 542, 7155 W SR 120, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-585-7454, james@waterworksservicesllc.com, James

Wayne-Vaughn Equip. Co. Inc
Tool, 1018-1020, 716 E Wayne St, Fort Wayne, IN, 46802, 260-424-4044, shane@wayne-vaughn.com, Shane Replogle

Weaver Metalworking Machinery LLC
Tool, 917-920, 800 W Lexington Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, 717-625-0302, weavermachinery@gmail.com, 717-625-0133, David Weaver

Weaver Tool Gear"
Tool, 126-127, 5015 Mertz Rd, Mayville, MI, 48744, 989-928-1169, clair@bosshammerco.com, Clair Coulter

Wellspring Solar
tool, 337-338, 1085N 850W, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-768-7336, arlin@wellspringllc.us, 260-768-7215, Arlin Yoder

Whitetail Life
Tool, 1033, PO BOX 52, Charm, OH, 44659, 330-893-1214, sales@whitetaillife.com, Steven Troyer

Wible Lumber
Tool, 641-642, PO BOX 7, South Milford, IN, 46786, 260-336-7910

Wingards Custom Plastics LLC
Tool, 1002, 5705 W 600 N, Shipshewana, IN, 46565, 260-350-5615, wingardscustomplastics@gmail.com, Milan Wingard

Winner Woodworking
Tool, Gold, 931-942, 702 North Shortridge Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46219, 800-240-6530

Wolverine Hardwoods
Tool, Gold, 135-137, 2810 113th Ave, Allegan, MI, 49010, 269-686-7004, paul@wolverinehardwoods.com, 269-686-7944, Paul Mallery, Phil Mallery, Chris Lavigne

WSI Machinery Inc
Tool, 101, 1530 N Old Rand Road, Wauconda, IL, 60084, 847-526-1411, rhowell@wsimachinery.com, Rob Howell

Würth Baer Supply Company
Tool, Gold, 345-346, 909 Forest Edge Dr, Vernon Hills, IL, 60031, 800-944-2237, candace.arends@wurthbsc.com, Candace Arends